--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: >- CloudGen Access Proxy Cloudformation template Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: CloudGen Access Configuration Parameters: - AccessProxyToken - AccessProxyPublicPort - Label: default: Network Configuration Parameters: - VpcId - EC2Subnets - NLBPublicSubnets - EC2AssociatePublicIpAddress - Label: default: Amazon EC2 Configuration Parameters: - EC2AMI - EC2ASGDesiredCapacity - EC2InstanceType - EC2SessionManager - Label: default: Logging Parameters: - AccessProxyLoglevel - CloudWatchLogs - CloudWatchLogsRetentionInDays - Label: default: Troubleshooting Parameters: - NLBHealthCheckGracePeriod - SystemsManagerParameterStore ParameterLabels: AccessProxyToken: default: Access Proxy Token AccessProxyPublicPort: default: Access Proxy public port VpcId: default: Vpc Id EC2Subnets: default: Subnets for instances NLBPublicSubnets: default: Subnets for Network Load Balancer EC2AssociatePublicIpAddress: default: Associate Public Ip Address to instances EC2AMI: default: AMI or SSM key to use for instances EC2ASGDesiredCapacity: default: Number of desired instances EC2InstanceType: default: Instance type to use for the proxy EC2SessionManager: default: Systems Manager - Session Manager - Console access AccessProxyLoglevel: default: Log level for the application CloudWatchLogs: default: Send logs to CloudWatch CloudWatchLogsRetentionInDays: default: Log Retention NLBHealthCheckGracePeriod: default: Health check grace period for new instances SystemsManagerParameterStore: default: AWS Systems Manager - Parameter Store Parameters: AccessProxyToken: Description: >- CloudGen Access Proxy Token for this proxy (obtained from the console after proxy creation). Type: String MinLength: '20' NoEcho: true # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length AllowedPattern: ^https:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.(fyde\.com|access\.barracuda\.com)\/proxies/v[0-9]+\/enrollment\/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\?proxy_auth_token=[0-9a-zA-Z]+&tenant_id=[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$ AccessProxyPublicPort: Description: >- Public port for this proxy (must match the value configured in the console for the proxy). Default: 443 Type: Number MinValue: 1 MaxValue: 65535 VpcId: Description: Select the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to use. Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id ConstraintDescription: >- must be the VPC Id of an existing Virtual Private Cloud. Outbound traffic for the default security group associated with this VPC should be enabled. NLBPublicSubnets: Description: >- Select the Public Subnet Ids to use for the Network Load Balancer. NOTE: Use Public Subnets only. Type: List EC2Subnets: Description: >- Select the Subnet Ids to use for the EC2 instances. NOTE: Use Private Subnets with NAT Gateway configured or Public Subnets. Type: List EC2AssociatePublicIpAddress: Description: >- Default is false. If true, each instance receives a unique public IP address. Required when the instances are deployed in a public network. Type: String Default: false AllowedValues: - false - true EC2ASGDesiredCapacity: Description: Enter the desired capacity for the ASG. Default: 2 Type: Number MinValue: 1 EC2SessionManager: Description: >- Default is true. Configures Systems Manager Session Manager to allow console access. Type: String Default: true AllowedValues: - false - true EC2InstanceType: Description: EC2 instance type. Type: String Default: t3.small AllowedValues: - t3.small - t3.medium - t3.large - t2.small - t2.medium - t2.large EC2AMI: Description: >- Uses linux AMI maintained by AWS by default. Suported types are CentOS, Ubuntu or AWS Linux based. Type : AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value Default: /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 ConstraintDescription: must be a valid EC2 AMI or an AWS SSM path to retrieve an AMI CloudWatchLogs: Description: >- Send '/var/log/message' logs to CloudWatch. Default is true. Type: String Default: true AllowedValues: - true - false CloudWatchLogsRetentionInDays: Description: Days to keep CloudGen Access logs (0 = never delete). Type: Number Default: 7 AllowedValues: - 0 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 - 150 - 180 - 365 - 400 - 545 - 731 - 1827 - 3653 AccessProxyLoglevel: Description: >- Set the CloudGen Access Proxy orchestrator log level. Default is info. Type: String Default: info AllowedValues: - debug - info - warning - error - critical NLBHealthCheckGracePeriod: Description: >- Default: 300. The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of new instances. Default: 300 Type: Number MinValue: 0 MaxValue: 36000 SystemsManagerParameterStore: Description: >- Default is true. Set to false to disable querying the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store for service arguments. Type: String Default: true AllowedValues: - true - false Conditions: CloudWatchLogsEnabled: !Equals [!Ref CloudWatchLogs, true] CloudWatchLogsNoDelete: !Equals [!Ref CloudWatchLogsRetentionInDays, 0] EC2SessionManagerEnabled: !Equals [!Ref EC2SessionManager, true] RedisRequired: !Not [!Equals [!Ref EC2ASGDesiredCapacity, 1]] SystemsManagerParameterStoreDisabled: !Equals [!Ref SystemsManagerParameterStore, false] Resources: # # Secret # AccessEnrollmentToken: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret DeletionPolicy: Delete UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete Properties: Name: !Join ['_', !Split ['-', !Sub '${AWS::StackName}_enrollment_token']] Description: CloudGen Access Proxy Token SecretString: !Ref AccessProxyToken Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG # # NLB # NLB: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer Properties: Subnets: !Ref NLBPublicSubnets Scheme: internet-facing Type: network Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG NLBListener: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener Properties: DefaultActions: - Type: forward TargetGroupArn: !Ref NLBTargetGroup LoadBalancerArn: !Ref NLB Port: !Ref AccessProxyPublicPort Protocol: TCP NLBTargetGroup: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup Properties: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30 HealthyThresholdCount: 3 Port: !Ref AccessProxyPublicPort Protocol: TCP UnhealthyThresholdCount: 3 VpcId: !Ref VpcId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG # # Security Groups # InboundEC2SecGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Allow inbound access to EC2 instances on the configured port # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/network/target-group-register-targets.html#target-security-groups # You cannot allow traffic from clients to targets through the load balancer using the security groups for the clients in the security groups for the targets. # Use the client CIDR blocks in the target security groups instead. SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: !Ref AccessProxyPublicPort ToPort: !Ref AccessProxyPublicPort CidrIp: SecurityGroupEgress: - IpProtocol: '-1' CidrIp: VpcId: !Ref VpcId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG ResourceSecGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: >- Use this group to allow CloudGenAccessProxy access to internal resources VpcId: !Ref VpcId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG ResourceSecGroupEgress: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress Properties: GroupId: !Ref ResourceSecGroup IpProtocol: '-1' DestinationSecurityGroupId: !Ref ResourceSecGroup RedisSecGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Condition: RedisRequired Properties: GroupDescription: Used to allow CloudGenAccessProxy access to redis VpcId: !Ref VpcId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG RedisSecGroupIngress: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Condition: RedisRequired Properties: FromPort: 6379 ToPort: 6379 GroupId: !Ref RedisSecGroup IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref RedisSecGroup RedisSecGroupEgress: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress Condition: RedisRequired Properties: GroupId: !Ref RedisSecGroup IpProtocol: '-1' DestinationSecurityGroupId: !Ref RedisSecGroup # # CloudGen Access Proxy Instance(s) # AutoScalingGroup: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingReplacingUpdate: WillReplace: true AutoScalingRollingUpdate: MaxBatchSize: 1 Properties: VPCZoneIdentifier: !Ref EC2Subnets Cooldown: '120' LaunchTemplate: LaunchTemplateId: !Ref LaunchTemplate Version: !GetAtt LaunchTemplate.LatestVersionNumber MaxSize: !Ref EC2ASGDesiredCapacity MinSize: !Ref EC2ASGDesiredCapacity DesiredCapacity: !Ref EC2ASGDesiredCapacity HealthCheckType: ELB HealthCheckGracePeriod: !Ref NLBHealthCheckGracePeriod TargetGroupARNs: - !Ref NLBTargetGroup TerminationPolicies: - OldestInstance Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' PropagateAtLaunch: true - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG PropagateAtLaunch: true - Key: Redis Value: !If [RedisRequired, 'true', 'false'] PropagateAtLaunch: true LaunchTemplate: Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate Properties: LaunchTemplateName: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' LaunchTemplateData: BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/xvda Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true Encrypted: true VolumeSize: 8 VolumeType: gp3 IamInstanceProfile: Name: !Ref InstanceProfile ImageId: !Ref EC2AMI InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: terminate InstanceType: !Ref EC2InstanceType NetworkInterfaces: - AssociatePublicIpAddress: !Ref EC2AssociatePublicIpAddress DeviceIndex: 0 Groups: - !Ref InboundEC2SecGroup - !Ref ResourceSecGroup - !If [RedisRequired, !Ref RedisSecGroup, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'] MetadataOptions: HttpEndpoint: enabled HttpProtocolIpv6: disabled HttpPutResponseHopLimit: 3 HttpTokens: required InstanceMetadataTags: enabled TagSpecifications: - ResourceType: volume Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG UserData: Fn::Base64: "Fn::Join": # This needs double quotes to work - "\n" - - '#!/bin/bash' - set -xeuo pipefail - '' - '# Install CloudWatch Agent' - Fn::If: - CloudWatchLogsEnabled - >- curl -sL "https://url.access.barracuda.com/config-ec2-cloudwatch-logs" | bash -s -- \ - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - Fn::If: - CloudWatchLogsEnabled - Fn::Sub: ' -l "/aws/ec2/${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy" \' - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - Fn::If: - CloudWatchLogsEnabled - Fn::Sub: ' -r "${AWS::Region}"' - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - '' - '# Install CloudGen Access Proxy' - curl -sL "https://url.access.barracuda.com/proxy-linux" | bash -s -- \ - Fn::If: - SystemsManagerParameterStoreDisabled - ' -e "DISABLE_AWS_SSM=1" \' - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - Fn::If: - RedisRequired - Fn::Sub: ' -r "${RedisCacheReplicationGroup.PrimaryEndPoint.Address}" \' - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - Fn::If: - RedisRequired - Fn::Sub: ' -s "${RedisCacheReplicationGroup.PrimaryEndPoint.Port}" \' - Ref: 'AWS::NoValue' - ' -u \' - Fn::Sub: ' -p "${AccessProxyPublicPort}" \' - Fn::Sub: ' -l "${AccessProxyLoglevel}" \' - Fn::Sub: - ' -e "FYDE_PREFIX=${Value}_"' - Value: !Join ['_', Fn::Split: ['-', Fn::Sub: '${AWS::StackName}']] - '' - '# Harden instance and reboot' - curl -sL "https://url.access.barracuda.com/harden-linux" | bash -s -- - shutdown -r now # # IAM # InstanceProfile: Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile Properties: Path: / Roles: - !Ref InstanceRole InstanceRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - ec2.amazonaws.com Action: - sts:AssumeRole ManagedPolicyArns: - !If [EC2SessionManagerEnabled, 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore', !Ref 'AWS::NoValue'] Path: / Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG InstancePolicySecrets: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Metadata: cfn-lint: config: ignore_checks: - I3042 Properties: PolicyName: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-Instance-Policy-Secrets' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - secretsmanager:DescribeSecret - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue Resource: !Sub - 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:secret:${Value}_*' - {Value: !Join ['_', !Split ['-', !Sub '${AWS::StackName}']]} - Effect: Allow Action: - secretsmanager:ListSecrets Resource: '*' Roles: - !Ref InstanceRole InstancePolicyRedis: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Condition: RedisRequired Metadata: cfn-lint: config: ignore_checks: - I3042 Properties: PolicyName: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-Instance-Policy-Redis' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: elasticache:DescribeCacheClusters Resource: !Sub 'arn:aws:elasticache:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:replicationgroup:${RedisCacheReplicationGroup}' Roles: - !Ref InstanceRole InstancePolicyCloudWatchLogsEC2: Type: AWS::IAM::Policy Condition: CloudWatchLogsEnabled Properties: PolicyName: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-Instance-Policy-CloudWatchLogs-EC2' PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: !GetAtt CloudWatchLogsGroupEC2.Arn - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:DescribeLogStreams Resource: '*' Roles: - !Ref InstanceRole # # Redis # RedisCacheReplicationGroup: Type: AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup Condition: RedisRequired DeletionPolicy: Delete UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete Properties: AutomaticFailoverEnabled: true MultiAZEnabled: true CacheNodeType: cache.t2.micro CacheSubnetGroupName: !Ref RedisCacheSubnetGroup Engine: redis NumCacheClusters: 2 Port: 6379 ReplicationGroupDescription: Redis for CloudGen Access Proxy SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref RedisSecGroup Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG RedisCacheSubnetGroup: Type: AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup Condition: RedisRequired Properties: CacheSubnetGroupName: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' Description: Redis Subnet Group for CloudGen Access Proxy SubnetIds: !Ref EC2Subnets Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' - Key: Application Value: CloudGenAccessProxyASG # # CloudWatch Logs # CloudWatchLogsGroupEC2: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup Condition: CloudWatchLogsEnabled DeletionPolicy: Delete UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete Properties: LogGroupName: !Sub '/aws/ec2/${AWS::StackName}-CloudGenAccessProxy' RetentionInDays: !If [CloudWatchLogsNoDelete, !Ref "AWS::NoValue", !Ref CloudWatchLogsRetentionInDays] Outputs: NetworkLoadBalancerDnsName: Description: Update the CloudGen Access Proxy in the Console with this DNS name Value: !GetAtt NLB.DNSName SecurityGroupforResources: Description: >- Use this group to allow CloudGen Access Proxy access to internal resources Value: !Ref ResourceSecGroup